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What Causes Small Blood Clots In Urine

What Causes Small Blood Clots In Urine

If you experience bloody urine or find blood clots in urine, this can be a very alarming situation for anyone to be in – However, generally in most cases the reason behind visible blood in urine is quite harmless, but blood clots in urine which is known as “Hematuria” are also capable of being an indication for consequential disorders.

Hematuria is experienced in two types, gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria – The first one is where you can witness visible blood in urine, while the latter type can only be diagnosed once you get it tested by your doctor. Regardless of the type, it is immensely important for anyone experiencing blood clots in urine, to get themselves checked and determine the reason that causes it.

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What is Hematuria (blood clots in urine)?

In cases where anyone witnesses a difference in the color of their urine and finds it turning pink or red, this can be a clear indication of blood clots in urine, called Hematuria.

Hematuria can be defined as the presence of visible blood in urine. This condition can be of two main types, gross hematuria is the type in which the peeing blood clots can be visibly seen by the affected person; while microscopic hematuria is when the affected person needs to get it checked with a physician in order for them to examine their urine under a microscope.

What Causes Small Blood Clots in Urine?

What do the majority of people think about what causes blood clots in urine? Here is a list of reasons why people might witness visible blood in urine:

  • Bladder, kidney, or prostate infection
  • viral illness and infections, such as hepatitis—a virus that causes liver disease and inflammation of the liver
  • Excessive sexual interaction
  • Rigorous exercise
  • Menstruation
  • Any trauma
  • endometriosis—a problem in women that occurs when the kind of tissue that normally lines the uterus grows somewhere else, such as the bladder

What Are The Symptoms of Blood Clots in Urine?

Most of the time people do not experience any symptoms of hematuria, except for peeing blood clots. This is when your physician might categorize your condition as asymptomatic.

However, if you have been experiencing conditions and symptoms that are inclusive of feeling pain during urination, or frequent urinating, or in some cases not being able to control urine at all. In such cases you might also go through these associated symptoms: nausea, vomiting, fevers, chills, back pain, or blood in urine with abdominal pain.

Experiencing blood clots in urine might not always be an indication of a disease, sometimes it might just be acting as a warning sign for a potential health issue.

Either way, visible blood in urine should never ever be ignored or kept a secret – As soon as you understand what you’re witnessing, make sure to get in touch with your physician at your earliest.

Highest Risk Factors of Blood Clots in Urine

Regardless of age – any child, teen, adult, or even an old person can have red blood cells in urine. Listed below are a few factors that might make it more likely for you to experience such a health issue:

  • Age: Due to an enlarged prostate gland, several men older than 50 experience occasional hematuria.
  • A recent infection: One of the leading causes of visible urinary blood in children is kidney inflammation prior to a viral or bacterial infection.
  • Family history: People who have a family history of kidney disease or kidney stones, this may make you more prone to urinary bleeding.
  • Medications: Certain medications are known to increase the risk of urinary bleeding such as Aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers and even antibiotics such as penicillin.

Evaluation of Blood in Urine

An in-depth evaluation of peeing blood clots is inclusive of an extensive X-ray study of your bladder and kidney. Along with cystoscopy, which basically is comprised of the doctor having direct visual access to your bladder with the use of miniature cameras.

For anyone who has been experiencing blood in urine with abdominal pain or even without any other related symptoms, contact your doctor right away, to have them determine the cause and proceed with the required treatment.

Treatment for Blood Clots in Urine

Treatment for blood clots in urine is soley based on the reason that cuases the bleeding. Whatever the cause, if urine flow is blocked by blood clots, doctors usually insert a flexible tube in the bladder (urinary catheter) and try to flush out the blood clot.

Are Blood Clots in Urine An Emergency?

The majority of the cases of visible blood in urine are not considered to be emergencies. Nonetheless, you need to see a doctor right away if you are experiencing these symptoms: lightheadedness, inability to urinate or extreme pain. Or schedule an appointment at Manhattan Medical Arts where preventative care physicians will ensure help you regain health.

What Does A Blood Clot In Urine Look Like?

The blood in urine can be traced through its color and how much blood is passing can be seen in it as well. The urine will be passed in pink, red and cola-colored which is totally painless in some cases. But if these tiny blood clots in urine pass, it will hurt you. These clots sometimes look like a reddish thread in your urine. The physician will ask you for an immediate test to check the blood trace and amount of blood passing by a Urinalysis test.

In serious conditions, the physician can also perform a physical examination through cystoscopy by inserting a flexible viewing tube to have a look inside your urinatory system. The doctor can also refer to a series of computerized tests in which ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) can be included to view abnormality in kidney filtering disorder. If a kidney disorder is found then you will go with a blood test to evaluate kidney functionality percentage and sometimes kidney biopsy is also performed.

– Disclaimer –
This blog is for informational & educational purposes only, and does not intend to substitute any professional medical advice or consultation. For any health related concerns, please consult with your physician, or call 911.

Medically Reviewed

Last reviewed by Dr. Syra Hanif, M.D. on 11/03/2022

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  • About The Author

    Dr. Syra Hanif M.D.

    Board Certified Primary Care Physician

Dr. Syra Hanif is a board-certified Primary Care Physician (PCP) dedicated to providing compassionate, patient-centered healthcare.

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