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Stress Management Tips

7 Best Stress Management Tips for Professionals

Psychiatry is one of the most widely studied fields in the world. People, since ancient times, have been curious to know how the human mind works. By understanding the psychology of the mind, one can learn how to control one’s mind and how to influence the minds of other people. Many of the issues related to psychiatry are discussed by ordinary people in their daily conversations. However, stress is a topic that comes under discussion now and then. Many people suffer from anxiety at some stage in their lives. Anxiety needs proper treatment and follow-up sessions. Anxiety and stress are issues faced by normal people across the world, but whenever this stress or anxiety occupies your mind constantly and you no longer remain in control of your mind and your thoughts, the situation becomes alarming. Stress blinds your mind to emerging prospects and new opportunities in your way.

Anxiety Problem for Professionals

We all experience some stress in our professional, personal, and collective lives, and that is okay unless you know how to cope with the situation. The pressure of exams, new job hunting, working on new projects and making some big life decisions all cause some stress, and that is understandable. We overcome such stress once we make a decision, reach a conclusion or overcome what so ever the hurdle was. That stress for such a short time is faced by everyone everywhere at some stage of life. Stress and anxiety become a disease requiring proper treatment when the state of stress or anxiety continues to remain with you all the time. When the mere thought of some uncomfortable situation brings uncontrollable anxious thoughts and you keep thinking about such hazardous situations, you keep losing control over your mind gradually. Stress is generally attributed to a state of constant tension and friction in your mind and body, your muscles remain stretched. Feeling of nervousness, frustration and general weakness continues for a long duration of time. 

Causes of Stress

The reasons for stress and anxiety are numerous. Factors contributing to stress are called stressors. There are various stressors like exhaustion related to professional work, studies, personal issues, relationship issues, etc. However, these are not the mere causes of anxiety and stress, anything that puts high demands on your mind and pushes you to do something beyond your limits is stressful generally. Stress is a response generated by your body whenever you face some fearful or strenuous situation. If we see it from a positive perspective, it is a response of a body to protect the body from harmful situations it faces. Stress also helps to meet daring and challenging tasks. Putting all effort into the last ball of the match is how you utilize stress for a positive outcome. It sharpens our concentration to deal with important tasks at hand.

The problem arises when you fail to differentiate this positive stress from the disease stress. Stress and anxiety creep up on an affected person to the extent that he begins considering stress and anxiety as normal responses. These overwhelming feelings of stress become a habit and continue to surround him throughout the day. One can no longer see how badly stress is affecting him and her and how constantly he is losing his mental and physical health. The symptoms of stress and anxiety include memory problems, poor judgment, inability to concentrate, frequent colds, chest pains, and feeling overwhelmed all the time. Child and adult psychiatrists opine that stress can be managed by a person.

Ways to manage stress

Stress however like any other disease is manageable and treatable. Common ways to handle stress include the following:

1.      Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is one of the most time-tested methods in child and adult psychiatry to treat stress and anxiety. Sit in a relaxing posture and inhale deeply through your nose. Once taken in, hold your breath for a while, like two to three seconds, and then exhale via mouth. Repeat this process three times a day like a meal to get rid of anxious thoughts and stiffness in the muscles as a result of anxiety.

2.      Exercise

Exercise has no alternative. Exercise freshens up your body and mind. It releases unwanted toxins from the body. Exercising has benefits that are unmatchable to any other activity. Exercise releases stress strengthens your body and mind, and releases all the frustration bottled up in your body. Although there are days when we do not want to do anything, and exercise seems like a burdensome task, you have to remember that exercise is your best therapy and is a friend of all-weather for you. It is advisable to join a gym. Numerous excellent services are provided in Manhattan and Chelsea. You can search them out to find a place that suits you well.

3.      Stretching your muscles

Stretching your muscles is excellent therapy. Taking a massage or a hot shower helps to ease our muscles and thus helps reduce stress and anxiety.

4.      Eat well

As it is said, whatever you put in your body defines you. The statement is not a myth, nutritionists opine the same. It is observed that many child and adult psychiatrists in Manhattan refer their patients to visit nutritionists often to get their diet plans adjusted accordingly. Your diet should contain loads and loads of vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Whole grains and lean proteins also play a very important role. It is advised to eat a balanced diet that ensures your health and fitness. Fruits like bananas are famous for their antidepressant properties, so they should be used in abundance.

5.      Take a Break

It seems so easy, yet it is the most important of all therapies. Child and adult psychiatry focuses a lot on encouraging people to take out time for themselves. Plan a vacation, do meditation, or listen to your favorite music. Do whatever you find relaxing for your mind and body.

6.      Go easy on yourself

Remember that you are a human being and you cannot do everything. Forgive yourself for committing mistakes or failing. This relieves you from stress and anxiety.

7.      Remove your triggers

Find out the things that contribute to your anxiety and remove those triggers from your life one by one. Try to ignore such things and start working on facing them from time to time afterward. I wish you loads of health and goodness in your lives. Stay happy, your happiness depends on YOU only.

– Disclaimer –

This blog is for informational & educational purposes only, and does not intend to substitute any professional medical advice or consultation. For any health related concerns, please consult with your physician, or call 911.

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  • About The Author

    Dr. Syra Hanif M.D.

    Board Certified Primary Care Physician

Dr. Syra Hanif is a board-certified Primary Care Physician (PCP) dedicated to providing compassionate, patient-centered healthcare.

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