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What Happens When You Quit Smoking And Start Vaping

What Happens When You Quit Smoking And Start Vaping

Regular consumption of tobacco through smoking is immensely harmful to the human body, as it simultaneously affects almost all the organs of a functioning human body, especially vital organs such as the heart and lungs.

One can quit smoking using a number of methods, and nicotine replacement therapy is one of the most effective and popular of all those methods. In the last couple of years, electronic cigarettes, a.k.a. “vaping,” have become an increasingly popular replacement for cigarettes. In this article, we will discuss and educate you all on what happens when you quit smoking and start vaping.

What Are The Side Effects of Smoking a Cigarette?

All smokers at some point wonder: “How do I quit smoking?” The answer to this question can be understood if we’re aware of what smoking does to our body; these listed below are the effects of smoking on your body, explained through a timeline


  • The chemicals and smoke affect the esophagus and lining of your nose by making it. You might experience an instant cough too.
  • It causes bad breath and dry mouth, by killing the good bacteria in your mouth.
  • It causes itchiness at the back of the throat.
  • It causes the lips, teeth, and gums to get discolored due to the cigarette’s tar and heat.
  • It causes age spots and wrinkles to appear over time, along with skin premature aging.

20 minutes

  • Once the nicotine gets intermixed in the bloodstream, it increases the blood pressure as well as the pulse.
  • It reduces your sense of smell.
  • Because nicotine is a stimulant, your brain will release feel-good chemicals or make you want to eat. When you don’t satisfy the urge, you will feel anxious and irritable.

Eight to 48 hours

  • By this time the nicotine and carbon monoxide that you smoked starts to exit your body and finally begin to leave your system.
  • The excess amount of mucus that is responsible to cover and secure the lungs will now start draining out.
  • Along with being highly addictive, nicotine is also capable of hindering the smoker’s sense of taste and smell – and requires a minimum of 48 hours for the senses to return to their normal functioning, as the nicotine flushes out.

What Happens When You Quit Smoking?

Deciding to quit smoking is undoubtedly one of the best health-related decisions that you will take – However, withdrawing from smoking is always a challenging task that might lead you to ask “I quit smoking why do I feel worse?”; but one needs to go through these symptoms in order to achieve this amazing health goal. While perception makes a lot of difference, considering your withdrawal symptoms as the signs of the recovery of your body can help you mentally when facing these symptoms.

The most commonly experienced symptoms of quitting smoking are:

  • Cravings
  • Restlessness and trouble concentrating or sleeping
  • Irritability, anger, anxiety, depressed mood
  • Increase in appetite and weight gain

Much less commonly experienced symptoms may include:

What is a Vape And How it Works?

Popularly known as electronic nicotine, e-vaporizers, or even e-cigarettes; vapes are battery-powered smoking devices that allow the users to inhale an aerosol, i.e., a combination of components such as flavors, certain chemicals, and nicotine (which is always an option in terms of their inclusion as well as the quantity of their inclusion).

With more than 460 distinct brands of vapes available on the market, all these electronic smoking devices function in a more or less similar manner, while being constructed using similar materials. The functioning of these devices might not be affected by how they appear and their designs, but the range of their visual appearance is quite impressive, ranging from looking like a standard cigarette, cigars, and pipes; to everyday-use items such as a pen or a memory stick.

The majority of vapes are comprised of four main components, which include:

• A cartridge, reservoir, or pod that holds the liquid solution containing varying amounts of nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals

• A heating element called the Atomizer

• A power source that in most cases is a battery

• A mouthpiece that the user smokes through 

What Does Vaping Do To Your Lungs?

If we understood the full impact of vaping on our bodies, we would surely question, “Why do people vape?”. Vaping can turn out to be extremely harmful to people who have existing health conditions such as lung diseases and asthma since it can worsen them. When a person vapes, they inhale the harmful chemicals of the vaping products along with nicotine, which is capable of causing irreversible damage to the lungs, and lung diseases, and can even become as harmful as causing death. There are certain chemicals included in vaping products that are known to cause cardiovascular diseases and even biological alterations in the body that might lead to the development of cancerous cells.

How Does Vapes Help in Quitting Cigarettes?

Vapes can be explained as electronic smoking devices that allow you to inhale nicotine in the form of vapors instead of direct smoke. The E-liquids, i.e., the flavors being used in vapes to smoke, are available in a range of nicotine strengths, allowing you to control how much nicotine you require to help taper off the cravings and other symptoms of smoking withdrawals.

What Health Hazards Can Vape Cause?

Although there have always been claims that vaping is way less harmful than smoking cigarettes, and considering its popular minimally harmful nature, it’s a good idea to switch from smoking to vaping – However, vaping comes with its own set of risks; so here’s the answer to the popular parental inquiry “why is vaping bad for teens?”:

  • Addiction to nicotine
  • Harmful to the heart and lungs
  • Chances to dangerous damage/injured lungs
  • Seriously harmful for pregnant women

– Disclaimer –
This blog is for informational & educational purposes only, and does not intend to substitute any professional medical advice or consultation. For any health related concerns, please consult with your physician, or call 911.

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  • About The Author

    Dr. Syra Hanif M.D.

    Board Certified Primary Care Physician

Dr. Syra Hanif is a board-certified Primary Care Physician (PCP) dedicated to providing compassionate, patient-centered healthcare.

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