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Dizziness is defined by a confusing sensation of being off balance or lightheaded, which may be scary. You may feel dizzy or realize that everything around you is moving or spinning in your direction. In some individuals, both of these sensations may coexist with nausea or vomiting.

The word “dizziness” refers to a broad variety of feelings, including dizziness, weakness, and instability. One of the most frequent reasons people seek medical care is because they feel dizzy. Dizzy episodes on a frequent basis, as well as persistent dizziness, may have a negative impact on your quality of life.

Treatment for dizziness is determined on the cause and severity of your symptoms. Despite the fact that it is often successful, the issue may reoccur.

It is quite common to get a false sense of movement or spinning when sleeping which is known as vertigo. A lack of balance, floating, wooziness, and lightheadedness are all symptoms that are often associated with dizziness. Headaches are also linked with dizziness.

Nausea may occur concurrently with dizziness or it may hit suddenly, forcing you to sit or lay down to empty yourself. It may last a few seconds or several days, and it could happen many times.

Before any therapy can begin, the underlying cause of the dizziness must be identified and addressed. Depending on the underlying cause, dizziness is often treated with a mix of home remedies and medical therapies.

When the underlying cause of dizziness is recognized and treated, the overwhelming majority of cases of dizziness are resolved on their own without the need for additional treatment – However, dizziness may sometimes be a symptom of a more severe underlying health issue.


Dizziness causes include inner ear problems, motion sickness, and medication side effects. In certain instances, a medical issue such as poor circulation, illness, or injury may be the root of the problem.

If you have dizziness, the way it makes you feel as well as your triggers may help you find the cause. By examining the duration of your dizziness and any other symptoms you are having, you may be able to determine what is wrong.

The most frequent cause of dizziness is inner ear issues (vertigo). The inner ear sensors aid in the detection of gravity as well as back-and-forth motion. Vertigo is produced by an erroneous perception of your surroundings spinning or moving in space. As a consequence of inner ear problems, your brain may receive instructions from your inner ear that contradicts with the signals received by your eyes and sensory nerves. Your brain may get disoriented as it attempts to make sense of everything during this period.

Infection may also make you feel dizzy. Vestibular neuritis is a virus-induced inflammation of the vestibular nerve that produces severe, persistent dizziness and vertigo. The underlying cause of this disease is vestibular nerve irritation. Labyrinthitis is a condition characterized by abrupt hearing loss, among other symptoms.

You may feel dizzy if you have a migraine as migraine sufferers may feel vertigo or other kinds of dizziness. Vertigo attacks may range from a few minutes to several hours and are often accompanied by headaches and increased sensitivity to light and noise, among other symptoms.

Dizziness may be a sign of Covid too. It occurs in Covid-19 due to the inflammatory effect of the infection. Hypoxia related damage to the nerve tissue further exacerbates the risk of dizziness in Covid; hence, it can be a symptom of Covid as well.

Dizziness in pregnancy may also occur due to a combination of hormonal changes and an increase in blood volume in your body.

You may feel dizzy when standing up due to hypotension i.e. occurrence of low blood pressure when lying down. Similarly, dehydration and medications’ side effects are associated with waking up dizzy. All these conditions may lead you to feel sudden dizziness.


Dizzy people may describe it as one of several experiences, including:

  • Vertigo is a mistaken impression of motion or spinning.
  • Feeling weak or lightheaded
  • Uncertainty or a loss of balance
  • a sense of floating, wooziness, or heaviness

Walking, standing up, or shifting your head may induce or exacerbate these emotions. Your dizziness may be accompanied by nausea or abruptness and severe enough that you must sit or lie down. The event could last seconds or days and could recur.


A physical examination by your doctor can help narrow down the source of your dizziness. They will ask you about your dizziness, including:

When it happens, where it happens, how strong your symptoms are, and what additional symptoms accompany the dizziness

If the doctor suspects carbon monoxide poisoning, heart disease, or a stroke, they may order a CT scan, an MRI, or an imaging test. Additional tests may be required for dizziness diagnosis.


The cause determines the dizziness treatment. For example, if you’re dizzy due to an inner ear infection, your doctor will treat the infection. If you’re taking drugs that cause dizziness, your doctor may advise you to limit your activities until your body responds to the prescription. A vestibular test battery can detect if an inner ear condition causes dizziness, and vestibular rehabilitation treatment (VRT) can help correct the dizziness. Vestibular rehabilitation therapy consists of activities designed to alleviate dizzy symptoms.

When To See A Doctor

When you feel dizzy, you are more prone to fall and sustain additional injuries. You are more likely to have an accident if you drive a vehicle or operate heavy equipment when dizzy. Consider the long-term implications of failing to get treatment for an underlying health issue that is causing you dizziness.

If you experience dizziness frequently, you should consult a physician. If you experience sudden dizziness, along with any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately:

  • A pounding headache
  • A throbbing ache in the neck
  • A blurred vision
  • A problems associated with hearing loss
  • Numbness or tingling sensations
  • Loss of awareness
  • Droopiness of the eye or mouth
  • Chest pain and uncontrollable vomiting

These signs and symptoms may indicate a serious health problem, so get medical attention as soon as possible.


Dizziness is a sensation of being off-balance, lightheaded, or feeling like your surroundings are spinning. It is a common reason people seek medical care and can significantly impact their quality of life. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), dizziness affects around 15-20% of adults annually, with up to 40% of people over the age of 40 experiencing some form of dizziness in their lifetime. Dizziness can occur alongside symptoms such as nausea, headaches, and vertigo (a spinning sensation).

The causes of dizziness include inner ear problems, migraines, infections, medication side effects, and medical conditions like low blood pressure, dehydration, or pregnancy. Inner ear problems such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) are responsible for about 17-42% of cases of vertigo, according to the National Institutes of Health. In some cases, dizziness may also be a symptom of COVID-19. Studies published in Frontiers in Neurology indicate that up to 16.8% of COVID-19 patients report dizziness, likely due to the inflammatory effects of the virus on the nervous system.

Dizziness often resolves on its own once the cause is addressed, but it may require treatment depending on its severity. Treatments vary based on the underlying cause and may involve home remedies, medications, or vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) to alleviate symptoms. Research suggests that vestibular rehabilitation therapy is effective in about 80% of patients with dizziness or balance disorders. Vertigo, a common form of dizziness, is typically caused by inner ear issues and can be treated with medication or exercises.

In more severe cases, dizziness may indicate serious conditions like stroke or heart disease, warranting medical evaluation and tests such as CT scans or MRIs. According to the American Stroke Association, dizziness is a symptom in about 20-30% of people having a stroke. If dizziness occurs suddenly and is accompanied by symptoms like severe headaches, blurred vision, chest pain, or loss of consciousness, immediate medical attention is necessary. It’s crucial to consult a doctor if dizziness becomes frequent, as it can lead to falls, accidents, and further health complications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that falls are the leading cause of injury among older adults, with dizziness being a significant contributing factor.


This information is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about dizziness or any other medical condition, please see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment suggestions.

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