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How to Stop Stomach Pain: Quick Relief in 5 Minutes

Do stomach aches have to be related with some food you ate during breakfast? Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your stomach and your whole day turns into this discomfort. Regardless of whether they are outcome of something that made intake or stress-related spasms, quick help is required. However, I have some splendid and efficient ways to avoid stomach pains in the next five minutes or so.

 Use Over-the-Counter Antacids

The emergency remedy is to rely on easily available counter medicines and they include antacids. These function by reducing the production of stomach acid or by giving fast relief from heartburn due to acid reflux or indigestion. Take one as soon as the signal to the impending pain shows and the relief is only but a reach away.

Avoid Trigger Foods

If you are taking Form 2 then it is advisable if you don’t take foods that will cause you stomach aches. Mint soured, fatty or spicy foods, as well as vinegar, tomato sauce and sauces in general are some examples. Recording the kind of foods you take can assist with the identification of the wrong foods that should be avoided.

Rest and Relaxation

Depression and anxiety will cause spasms and pain in the stomach. Spend five to ten minutes having a break and do some deep breathing or meditating. Look for a place to sit, where nobody disturbs; and sit still while taking a few breaths. Close your eyes and imagine being in a serene environment to relax the mind preventing it from causing muscles specifically in the stomach area to tighten up.

Stay Upright After Eating

If you have a stomach ache and it is after taking a meal, do not lay down on your bed. It always good to stand especially for those who suffer from acid reflux and other digestion complications. See to it that you do not allow yourself to get choked up easily; try humor by taking a walk, sitting slowly when tired or sitting up straight at the table to avert this.

Use a Heating Pad

It will also be advisable to apply a heating pad on your stomach area whenever you experience any sort of pain that is as a result of contraction of muscles on your stomach. Freshly add warm pad to your abdomen so that the warmth can ease the pain and reduce the tension of your muscles. It is a warm and nurturing means of obtaining a much needed release.

 Home Remedies for Stomach Pain

For natural remedies that have been around over the years here are some of them:

Chamomile Tea

Of the under listed herbs, this is my favorite since it has properties that help to reduce inflammation and therefore ease stomach problems. Have a cup of chamomile tea and slowly drink the tea if you have upset tummy.


Consumed yogurt is useful as it contains probiotics that promotes balance in the digestive system reducing several problems. Knowing this, it is recommended to opt for plain yogurt for the preparation and exclude foods containing additional sugars.


Potassium containing food like bananas should also be taken to help counter the production of stomach acids. It is mild to the stomach and does not take long to digest hence suitable for quick remedy of the symptoms.


It has been noted that papaya has enzymes; this makes it good to take when one is suffering from stomach ache. For best result, consume a few slices or small bowl of this tropical fruit to calm your tummy.

Lemon Water

Lemon has a quality of opening up the channels for fluids in the stomach and hence aids in digestion. You have to take a glass of warm water and add the juice of one fresh lemon into it and slowly consume it for best results in stomach ache.

 Common Symptoms and Causes

 Patients aged 30-39 are more prone to stomach issues, with four reporting symptoms like pain, bloating, diarrhea, acid reflux, and cramping. Common causes include IBS, gastroenteritis, and GERD. Those aged 20-29 and 40-49 follow, with three and two cases respectively, experiencing indigestion, food poisoning, and peptic ulcers. The 50-59 age group shows the fewest cases, primarily related to constipation. This analysis highlights that middle-aged adults (30-39) are more susceptible to stomach problems than other age groups in the dataset.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I stop stomach pain at night?

Recommended options are to have ginger tea, apply a heating pad, or use an over the counter antacid medication. Make sure that you do not lie down, especially for a nap, soon after taking a meal.

Does a hot shower help an upset stomach?

Yes, bathing with hot water will always ease your muscles and give some discount to your stomach aches and unbearable moments.

What foods fight off stomach viruses?

Avoid food that may have spices such as bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. Rice water with the addition of herbs also help to calm the stomach and light broths and teas are great for it.

– Disclaimer –

This blog is for informational & educational purposes only and does not intend to substitute any professional medical advice or consultation. For any health-related concerns, please consult with your physician, or call 911.

Medically Reviewed

Last reviewed by Dr. Syra Hanif, M.D. on 07/31/2024

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  • About The Author

    Dr. Syra Hanif M.D.

    Board Certified Primary Care Physician

Dr. Syra Hanif is a board-certified Primary Care Physician (PCP) dedicated to providing compassionate, patient-centered healthcare.

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