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Warts are rough, noncancerous bumps that develop on the skin.The human papillomavirus (HpV) is responsible for the development of warts on the skin. As a consequence of the disease, tough pimples develop on the skin. The virus has the potential to propagate. It is possible to get warts by coming into contact with somebody who has warts. It is most common for warts to develop on the hands or on fingers, but they may also develop on feet or face, the genital area, or the knees.

Children are more susceptible to this condition than adults due to the number of wounds they sustain. Warts, on the other hand, may affect anybody. Patients with autoimmune diseases and those with weaker immune systems, like the elderly, are more vulnerable to the virus that causes warts to form.

Types of warts are determined by the body parts where they develop. They include non-std warts and genital warts:

  • Hands: Due to their abundance on the hands, these are referred to as common warts.
  • Face: Flat warts may be seen on the cheeks and forehead.
  • Feet: Plantar warts are little growths on the bottoms of your foot. These warts have a callus-like appearance with little black spots in the middle. They are often uncomfortable and appear in clusters. Wart on toes also develops.
  • Genital or HPV warts: Warts that develop on the penis or vagina are known as genital warts. These are produced by a sexually transmitted infection. Sexual contact with an infected individual causes genital warts. Genital warts in men include anal warts and warts on penis whereas genital wart in women appear on the vagina.
  • Filiform wart: These rapidly developing warts resemble microscopic brushes and are thread-like and spiky. They may be irritating since they develop on the face, particularly around the nose, lips and eyes.

Separate virus from human warts, known as the “canine papillomavirus” causes dog warts. These pimples appear very immediately and may spread fast. The lips and interior of the mouth are the most common sites for these lesions, although they may also appear on the eyelids, neck, or paws, particularly between the toes.


HPV produces a skin infection that leads to the formation of warts when it enters the bloodstream via a skin incision. They are very infectious and may quickly spread. The virus may transmit from one person to another or from one part of the body to another in the following ways:

  • Contact with a wart on the skin
  • Touching infected items like towels may spread the infection
  • Having a sexual intercourse (genital warts)
  • Nail biting or cuticle picking leading to the development of wart on finger

Other risk factors that may cause warts include:

  • Cracked or dry skin
  • Weak immune system
  • Skin conditions like eczema which is poorly managed


It may appear in a number of ways. They may manifest themselves in the following ways:

  • Flat
  • Rough
  • Dome-shaped

Early stage HPV warts are little flesh-colored lumps developed in clusters on the skin, giving it a cauliflower-like appearance. These growths are usually soft to the touch and may be elevated or flat when they are situated immediately in the vaginal region.Female HPV warts have the following signs:

  • Painful sex
  • Painful sensations in the pelvis
  • Unusual bleeding or vaginal discharge

Pain, bleeding, and itching are the most common genital warts symptoms.


A dermatologist can usually determine whether you have a wart just by looking at it. Before proceeding, a dermatologist may need a skin sample to confirm the diagnosis. The wart will be excised and sent to a laboratory if a dermatologist determines that a biopsy is necessary. A microscopic examination of a tiny portion of the wart will be done in the laboratory. A dermatologist may perform a biopsy, which is a fast and painless process. It is not anything to be concerned about.

The doctor will likely use one or more of the following methods to identify a wart:

  • Physical examination
  • Scrape away the top layer of the wart to look for dark, pinpoint spots
  • Excision of tiny pieces of wart for laboratory examination to rule out the presence of any additional skin growths.


The majority of warts will disappear on their own. The time it takes for a wart to vanish, however, varies.

The length of a wart depends on the location and type of wart, as well as the strength of an individual’s immune system. For instance, plantar wart removal includes electro surgery or laser surgery which removes the wart.

Before deciding on a therapy, a doctor would usually inspect the wart and inquire about the patient’s family history. He or she may also remove some tissue for testing.

Different options are available to get rid of warts including the surgical removal and topical application of creams and lotions.

Salicylic acid may be used at home to cure warts. This medication is offered in creams, gels, paints, and medicated dressings. A person may need to use salicylic acid twice a day for weeks or even months to see results.

Cryotherapy destroys wart’s cells when liquid nitrogen is sprayed to it. A blister will form after that, which will ultimately scab over and fall off. Individuals often need further treatment after a single session.

Warts may be surgically removed using a variety of techniques. Excision is performed for wart removal while the patient is anesthetized. Electrosurgery is a surgical technique that includes burning wart tissue with a heated electric instrument.

Genital warts treatment includes cream application to the skin. This aids the immune system in the fight against wart.

When To See A Doctor

You should see a doctor if you are not sure whether your skin growth is a wart, if it does not heal with home therapy, if it aches, or if you have many of them. Before attempting to cure a wart on your own skin, see a doctor if you have compromised immune system or diabetes.


This information is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about warts or any other medical condition, please see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment suggestions.

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