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Upper Respiratory Infection


Upper respiratory tract infection is a condition in which there is irritation and swelling of the upper airways with cough and no signs of pneumonia in people who do not have any other underlying medical conditions that could explain their symptoms. Infections affecting the nose, larynx, sinuses, pharynx, and major airways, among other organs and tissues of the respiratory system, are known as acute upper respiratory tract infections (ARTIs).

Acute illnesses that are most often seen in the outpatient setting include URI, which accounts for almost half of all visits. URIs include anything from the common cold, which is usually a mild, self-limiting catarrhal infection of the pharynx, to potentially life-threatening diseases such as epiglottitis.

URIs may occur at any time of year, but they are more common in the fall and winter months.

In the overwhelming majority of instances, viruses are responsible for upper respiratory infections, and they are self-limiting in terms of both duration and severity.


URI is caused by a virus or bacterium that has invaded and penetrated the inner lining of the upper respiratory tract (called as mucosa or mucous membrane). Disease-causing pathogens (viruses and bacteria) must overcome a number of physical and immunologic obstacles before they may get through the mucous membrane of the upper airways and begin to cause disease.

A physical barrier is formed by hair on the inside of the nose, which holds any invading organisms that come into touch with it. The moist mucus found in the nasal cavity may also serve to absorb viruses and bacteria that have made their way into the upper airways. 

Along with these physical barriers in the upper respiratory tract, the immune system also plays a role in keeping viruses and bacteria from entering the body via the mouth and nose. It is because of the actions of certain cells, antibodies, and chemicals present inside these lymph nodes that germs from other parts of the body are absorbed and eventually destroyed.

In spite of these protections, invading viruses and bacteria use a variety of tactics to avoid being destroyed by the host. For example, they may generate poisons or alter their form or exterior structural proteins in order to avoid identification by immune systems in order to weaken the body’s defence. Certain bacteria have the ability to generate adhesion factors, which enable them to adhere to the mucus barrier and escape being destroyed by the immune system.

It is also worth noting that various viruses have varying degrees of ability to infiltrate and overcome the body’s defensive mechanisms.

Factors that make you more likely to have an upper respiratory infection (URTI):

  • Childhood exposure. An increased incidence of URI has been linked to both daycares and schools. Individuals with asthma or allergic rhinitis are more susceptible to URI.
  • Tobacco smoking increases the chance of a urinary tract infection (URI).
  • Immunocompromised individuals are more likely to develop URI, such as those with cystic fibrosis, HIV, corticosteroid use, transplantation, and those who have undergone a splenectomy.
  • Anatomical abnormalities, such as facial dysmorphism or nasal polyposis, may increase the chance of contracting the disease.


Acute upper respiratory tract illnesses include tonsillitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis. upper respiratory infection symptoms are also linked with the following:

  • Coughing 
  • Throat Discomfort
  • Runny nose 
  • Congestion in the nose
  • Headache
  • Fever of low intensity 
  • Face-pressing pressure
  • Malaises
  • Myalgia
  • Sneezing 

Symptoms usually appear 1-3 days after exposure and persist for 7-10, but rare instances may last up to 3 weeks.


The presence of signs of bacterial infection or severe respiratory illness, along with the presence of typical rhinovirus infection symptoms, is sufficient to diagnose the common cold. There is no need for a clinical upper respiratory infection diagnosis of the common cold, and no diagnostic testing is done. It is preferable to collect specimens for influenza testing as soon as possible following the onset of symptoms. Nasal aspirates and swabs are the most trustworthy specimens for evaluating infants and young children. Nasopharyngeal swabs and aspirates are preferred over other sample techniques for older children and adults. Rapid strep swabs may be used to rule out bacterial pharyngitis, perhaps lowering future therapy doses for these diseases.

A physical examination and evaluation of the patient’s symptoms are often used to identify an upper respiratory infection. In certain cases, laboratory testing are also carried out.

To determine the severity of an upper respiratory infection, blood testing and imaging studies are often unnecessary. A neck radiograph may be performed if epiglottitis is suspected. While the lack of a swollen epiglottis does not rule out the disease, its presence does. When symptoms indicative of sinusitis persist for more than four weeks or are accompanied by visual difficulties, eyeball protrusion, or excessive nasal discharge,  CT scans may be useful. A CT scan may reveal the extent of sinus inflammation, if an abscess has formed, and whether infection has spread to other tissues.


Viruses are the most common cause of upper respiratory infection. As a result, no special treatment is required, and the illness is self-limiting. The majority of people with upper respiratory infections can identify and treat their symptoms without the help of a doctor or prescription medicines at home.

Rest is an important part of upper respiratory infection treatment. Work and mild exercise may be maintained to the extent that they are tolerated.

Upper respiratory infections are linked to increased fluid loss due to a runny nose, fever, and reduced appetite, therefore its common advice to drink more liquids orally to compensate.

Symptoms of an upper respiratory infection are usually treated until the illness is completely gone.

Some of the medications that are commonly prescribed include: 

  • NSAIDs
  • Antihistamines 
  • Acetaminophen
  • Cough medications
  • Steroids 

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are occasionally used to treat upper respiratory infections when a bacterial infection is suspected. Strep throat, bacterial sinusitis, and epiglottitis are among the illnesses in this group. Antiviral medications are occasionally prescribed to immunocompromised patients in order to improve their overall health. 

When To See A Doctor

If one of the following problems develops, medical help may be required right away:

  • Breathing difficulties 
  • Coughing 
  • Throat Discomfort
  • Congestion 
  • Fever
  • Malaise

If any of the situations listed above occur, immediately consult your physician. 


This information is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about upper respiratory infection or any other medical condition, please see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment suggestions.

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