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Lymphocytosis is a condition in which the body has an excessively high quantity of lymphocytes, a subtype of white blood cells. Lymphocytes are immune system cells that are important for battling infections. Anyone may develop lymphocytosis as it is a rather common symptom. It is more prevalent in people who have been recently infected most commonly with viruses. It is also common in people with arthritis which is a chronic inflammatory disease. It may result in an incidence of an adverse reaction to a newly prescribed medication. Individuals with trauma or a life-threatening medical condition are at high risk of developing lymphocytosis. Moreover, the people whose spleens are surgically removed may also have a high lymphocyte count. Infections or other disorders may result in lymphocytosis, a condition that happens when the immune system is overloaded fighting them. Even if lymphocytosis cannot be prevented, it may be controlled by addressing the underlying cause.

Absolute lymphocytosis refers to a condition in which the lymphocyte count rises above the normal range, whereas relative lymphocytosis refers to a condition in which the proportion of lymphocytes to WBCs rises above the normal range. High Lymphs absolute is more common than relative lymphocytosis.

Lymphocytes’ normal range varies with age. It is dependent on the age what ranges of lymphocytes are considered normal. An adult’s typical lymphocyte count ranges between 1,000-4,800 lymphocytes per µL of blood, depending on their age. For youngsters, the number of lymphocytes/µL blood ranges as 3,000-9,500.

When a doctor suspects lymphocytosis, a thorough blood count with a differential is ordered. In comparison to the baseline, this test shows an increase in WBCs and a higher than usual number of lymphocytes. To determine the cells, the doctor may prescribe further diagnostic blood tests, such as a flow cytometry test. Another kind of test that may be done to discover the underlying cause of lymphocytosis is a bone marrow biopsy. To figure out what is causing the lymphocytosis, doctors look at the medical history, medication list, present symptoms, and physical exam.


A variety of underlying medical disorders might result in lymphocytosis.The presence of more lymphocytes in the blood indicates that the body is fighting an infection or another inflammatory disorder. A transient rise in lymphocyte count is a natural side effect of the body’s immune system when it is functioning appropriately.

One of the most common causes of increased lymphocytes is an infection that could be bacterial or viral. Cancer of the blood or lymphatic system is also considered to be associated with an increased count.

Acute stress and emergency medical difficulties may be accompanied by transient lymphocytosis.

Toxoplasma also causes lymphocytosis. Immunocompromised persons account for the bulk of instances of symptomatic toxoplasmosis. Lymphocytosis with aberrant cells is a hematologic feature of the disease, which in certain circumstances manifests as mononucleosis-like illness.

Other diseased conditions that cause lymphocytosis include:

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  • Hepatitis
  • Hypothyroidism i.e. underactive thyroid
  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection
  • Lymphoma
  • Congenital lymphocytosis
  • Syphilis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Mononucleosis
  • Whooping cough
  • Viral infections
  • Bacterial infections like Bordetella Pertussis and Bartonella Henselae

Drug-induced lymphocytosis and systemic symptoms: Certain medicines might result in lymphocytosis. It is most likely due to cells being redistributed from lymphoid tissues into the peripheral circulation.


Generalized lymphadenopathy, enlargement of the lymph nodes, and splenomegaly are lymphocytosis symptoms. Splenomegaly is an enlarged spleen that can cause a dull discomfort in the upper left quadrant. This is primarily a physical examination finding.

People with lymphocytosis may also experience signs of the underlying illness. Flu, for example, can induce lymphocytosis and symptoms such as coughing, muscle aches, and fever.


A blood test is used for lymphocytosis diagnosis. The test counts the quantity of lymphocytes in a person’s blood and compares it to an age-appropriate norm. Adults with lymphocytosis have counts greater than 4,000 trusted Source lymphocytes per l of blood.

Doctors must discover the underlying cause of lymphocytosis when it has been diagnosed. They may conduct a physical examination, collect a medical history, and inquire about symptoms. Additional blood tests, bone marrow biopsies, and other diagnostic procedures may be required to diagnose the etiology of lymphocytosis.


Lymphocytosis treatment includes determining what is causing the elevated lymphocyte count. You may not need therapy if your body manufactures white blood cells to fight a pathogen. Your immune system will generally take care of the problem in due course.

You can lower the risk by taking the following precautions:

  • Avoid making personal touch with somebody who has a contagious bug.
  • Do not share personal stuff with sick folks.
  • wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Disinfect surfaces and routinely used items that may be contaminated with microorganisms.

When To See A Doctor

A high lymphocyte count is often discovered as a consequence of testing performed for another purpose or to aid in the diagnosis of another ailment.

Inquire with the doctor about the significance of the test findings. When combined with the findings of other tests, a high lymphocyte count may help determine the cause of the sickness.

Specific lymph blood tests may be necessary if lymphocytosis continues.

Immediately see your doctor if you have a persistent infection or if you are experiencing chronic or ongoing symptoms that are becoming worse over time. During a thorough medical examination, the doctor will be able to identify whether or not you have lymphocytosis.


This information is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about lymphocytosis or any other medical condition, please see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment suggestions.

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