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A keloid scar is a raised, thick scar. It can appear everywhere there is skin damage, although it most commonly occurs on the earlobes, shoulders, cheekbones, or chest. If you are prone to getting keloids, you may develop them in multiple locations of your body.

A keloid scar is not dangerous to your health but can cause mental distress. Keloids are elevated scar tissue overgrowths that can form due to an injury or surgery. They are distinguished by their tendency to spread beyond the original wound and their shiny, smooth appearance. Because of their size and look, keloids can be irritating but usually harmless. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment choices is critical for effectively managing keloids.


Experts do not understand what keloid scars are. However, most experts agree that it is most likely a flaw in the wound-healing process. Collagen, a protein found throughout the body, is helpful for wound healing, but keloids can form when the body generates collagen too much.

Keloid causes the formation of skin damage, including insect bites, acne, an injection, body piercing, burns, hair removal, and even minor scrapes and bumps. Keloids can arise for no apparent reason.

Keloids are neither infectious nor malignant.

A keloid is not the same as a hypertrophic scar. A hypertrophic scar remains within the confines of the original wound and may diminish over time if left untreated.


A keloid scar can emerge months to years after the initial incident. Some of the main keloid symptoms are discussed below:

  • Thick, irregular scarring, typically on the earlobes, shoulders, cheeks, or middle chest
  • Shiny, hairless, lumpy, raised skin
  • Varying size, depending on the size of the original injury and when the keloid stops growing
  • Varying texture, from soft to firm and rubbery
  • Reddish, brown, or purplish, depending on your skin color


Keloids are often diagnosed based on their clinical appearance and history of development following a skin injury or surgery. In some circumstances, a healthcare physician may order additional testing or biopsies to rule out other skin problems. A correct diagnosis is essential for identifying the keloid treatment plan.

A skin biopsy involves your dermatologist numbing the region and removing a small skin sample to be inspected under a microscope.

The keloid skin is sent to a medical lab by your dermatologist. A report will be written by the doctor who evaluates what your dermatologist removed. It informs your dermatologist about what was observed beneath the microscope.

If you have a keloid, a dermatologist can design a treatment plan.


The treatment’s purpose is to flatten, soften, or decrease the elevated scar. Keloids can be difficult to remove, especially keloids on the face can be challenging. They sometimes reappear after treatment. Many doctors will combine therapies to achieve the most remarkable outcomes and how to prevent keloids

The following treatments are available:

  • Corticosteroid doses: The medicine in these shots aids in scar reduction.
  • Freezing the scar: Cryotherapy, or cold therapy, can soften and shrink scars. It is most effective on tiny keloids.
  • Silicone sheets or Gels: Applying silicone sheets or gel on the scar aids in the flattening of the keloid.
  • Laser treatment: This can help in the flattening of the keloid. It might also diminish the color.
  • Surgical amputation: This entails removing the keloid. The majority of keloids will recur following this treatment.
  • Pressure therapy: Keeping pressure on the region after keloid surgery inhibits blood flow. This can help to keep a keloid from recurring.

Note: Different treatments are effective for all individuals. Make sure to consult your doctor to determine which treatment choice is best for you.

When To See A Doctor

You should consult a doctor or dermatologist if you have a keloid or have noticed unusual scar tissue formation following a skin injury or surgery. Early check-ups and keloid diagnosis can help prevent keloids from becoming more prominent and difficult to treat. Seeking medical advice as soon as possible is critical for reasonable control.


This information is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about Keloids or any other medical condition, please see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment suggestions.

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