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Insomnia occurs when you do not sleep as much as you should. This could indicate that you aren’t sleeping enough, aren’t sleeping well, or are having difficulty falling or staying asleep. Insomnia is a minor annoyance for some people. Insomnia can be a significant source of stress for others. A variety of factors can cause insomnia.

Your body needs sleep for a variety of reasons (and science is still working to understand why sleep is so crucial to your health). Experts agree that not getting enough sleep can lead to sleep deprivation, which is usually unpleasant (at the very least) and prevents you from performing at your best.


Stress associated with significant life events, such as job loss, the death of a loved one, divorce, or moving on, are the primary insomnia causes.

  • Noise, light, and temperature are examples of environmental factors.
  • Changes in your sleep routine, such as jet lag, a new shift at work, or bad habits picked up while dealing with other sleep issues
  • Thyroid disease and other endocrine issues
  • Other types of insomnia problems include sleep apnea and restless legs syndrome.
  • Pregnancy
  • Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia
  • ADHD
  • Menopause and PMS


 Insomnia symptoms are as follows:

  • Trouble falling asleep at night
  • Waking up in the night
  • Waking up too early
  • Not feeling well-rested after a night’s sleep
  • Tiredness or sleepiness at daytime
  • Irritability, depression, or anxiety
  • Difficulty in paying attention, focusing on tasks, or remembering
  • Increased errors or accidents


Your doctor will perform a physical exam and ask about your medical and sleep histories.

They may ask you to keep a sleep journal for a week or two, recording your sleep habits as well as how you feel during the day. They may discuss how much and how well you sleep with your bed companion. A sleep center may also do further testing.


Acute insomnia may not require medical attention.

If you find it difficult to do daily tasks because you are fatigued, your doctor may prescribe sleeping drugs for a limited duration. Medicines that act rapidly but only temporarily can help you prevent problems like drowsiness the next day.

Over-the-counter sleeping medications should not be used for insomnia treatment. They may have adverse effects and function less effectively over time.

Chronic insomnia requires therapy for the illnesses or health problems that keep you awake. Your doctor may also recommend behavioral therapy. This can assist you in changing the things you do that aggravate your insomnia and learning what you can do to encourage sleep.

When To See A Doctor

If your inability to function during the day is due to insomnia, consult your doctor to determine the reason for your sleep problem and how it can be treated. If your doctor suspects you have a sleep condition, you may be referred to a sleep center for more testing.


This information is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about insomnia or any other medical condition, please see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment suggestions.

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