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Eye Twitching (Eyelid)


An eye or eyelid twitch occurs when your eyelid blinks involuntarily and irregularly while you are awake. Involuntary contraction of eye muscle leads to the twitching of the eyes. This uneven blinking may occur many times during the day. If you have frequent eye twitching, it may impair your eyesight.A single facial muscle closes the eyelid. A problem with this muscle may result in eye twitching. Other eye muscles may also induce twitching of the eyes.

Many individuals sometimes experience an unusual eye twitch, particularly if they are sleepy or have had a large amount of coffee. Twitching the eyes on a regular basis is a rather rare occurrence. Eye twitching may occur at any age, but is more prevalent in middle-aged and older women.

Bottom eyelid twitching are the minor spasms. Similarly, upper eyelid twitching is also common and usually resolves in a few days. This may be due to a lack of sleep, stress, or drinking too much coffee.

Myokymia (eyelid twitching) is a disorder that only affects the upper eyelid. This kind of twitch or spasm is common, affecting almost everyone at some time in his or her life. Typically, only one eye is afflicted at a time, but either the upper or the lower lid may be impacted. Eye twitching may vary in severity. Eye twitching causes uncontrolled blinking by affecting the muscles of the eyelids. Mild eyelid twitching may seem more apparent than it is; other people are unlikely to notice another person’s twitching eyelid.In individuals with more severe twitching, this may result in a forced closure of the eyelids that can last seconds, minutes, or even hours. Your symptoms are likely to intensify with time.If the twitching is not treated right away, it may reoccur within hours, days, or even weeks.

Excessive blinking in both eyes is an indication of benign essential blepharospasm, which may progress to pressing the eyelids together. While this kind of eye twitching is uncommon, it may be severe and interfere with many aspects of one’s life.

Hemifacial spasms are spasms of one side’s facial muscles, including the eyelid.

Minor eyelid twitches usually go away on their own and do not need medical attention. Treatment options include stress reduction, warm soaks, refractive correction, and artificial tear lubrication. Caffeine use should be reduced.You may significantly reduce your risk of getting eye twitching or help eradicate an existing eyelid twitch by making little changes to your diet and lifestyle.


Some of the common causes of eye twitching are discussed below:

Genetics: A hereditary disease causes benign essential blepharospasm. It is a malfunction of the muscles around the eyes. The reason is the malfunctioning of specific cells in the neurological system known as basal ganglia, which are situated in the brain. This movement disorder causes eye twitching.

Spasms: A small artery usually stimulates a face nerve. The irritation of this nerve causes hemifacial spasm leading to the eye twitching.

Medical conditions that cause the twitching or either left or right eye are:

  • Corneal abrasion
  • Light sensitivity
  • Blepharitis
  • Dry eyes

Medicines: Eye twitching may occur as a side effect of some medicines, particularly those used to treat Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore, eye twitching may be the first sign of a long-term movement disorder, especially when coupled with facial spasms.

Dry Eye: Dry eyes affect a large number of individuals, especially those over the age of 50. Computer users, those who take certain medicines (particularly antihistamines and certain antidepressants), people who use contact lenses, and people who drink coffee or alcohol are all at risk of getting dry eyes. If your eyelids twitch and your eyes feel gritty or dry, see an eye doctor. Rehydrating the surface of your eye may halt the twitching and reduce the chance of future twitching.

The reasons for under eye twitching are tiredness, stress, ocular strain, and coffee or alcohol use. You may feel eye strain or vision-related stress if you wear glasses or spend a lot of time in front of a computer. Similarly, these factors are also responsible for causing eyebrow twitching.


The severity and frequency of eyelid twitches varies greatly. Some people’s eyelids may flutter every few seconds. Others may have them considerably less frequently. Your eye twitches may linger a few days or longer before disappearing. Eye twitching occurs more frequently and lasts longer in some persons. In many cases, eye twitch symptoms disappear and do not reappear.

Only the upper lid twitches most of the time. Both of your eyes will most likely twitch, although just one eye may exhibit symptoms. Your eyelid may only close partially or completely.

In addition to eyelid spasms, you may notice the following symptoms:

    • Eye discomfort (typically the first symptom)
    • Increased blink rate 
    • Light sensitivity
    • Dry eyes
    • Vision issues if twitching occurs frequently 
    • Facial spasms


Your healthcare professional will ask about your medical history and perform a physical examination. This frequently includes a complete nervous system and eye check. The eye twitch diagnosis is commonly made by an ophthalmologist (a healthcare specialist who specializes in the eyes). If other reasons for eye twitching are ruled out, your doctor may diagnose you with benign essential blepharospasm or hemifacial spasm. Further tests are rarely required. Sometimes, your provider may request brain imaging, such as a CT scan or an MRI. This rules out any other medical causes of eye twitching.


Without treatment, most eyelid spasms resolve within a few days.

If they don’t go away, you can try to eliminate or reduce likely causes by doing the following: 

  • Consuming less caffeine 
  • Getting enough sleep 
  • Keeping your eyes lubricated with over-the-counter artificial tears or eye drops 
  • Putting a warm compress to your eyes when a spasm begins

Consult a doctor if your eye twitching is persistent and interfering with your daily life.

Depending on the cause, further eye twitch treatments such as: 

  • Antibiotics
  • Botulinum toxin (botox) injections 
  • Surgery

Botox injections are used to treat essential blepharospasm, which is a benign condition. For a few months, it may help with severe spasms. However, once the effects of the injection wear off, you may require more injections.

Surgery to remove some of the muscles and nerves in the eyelids (myomectomy) may be required in more severe cases of benign essential blepharospasm.

When To See A Doctor

You need to see your physician if you have been experiencing twitching of the eyes for more than two weeks and the afflicted region has a sluggish or stiff sensation. If your eye keeps twitching that lasts more than a week or interferes with your ability to open your eyes or see well, you should see an eye doctor to determine the best course of action.


Eye or eyelid twitching, medically known as myokymia, is an involuntary, irregular contraction of the eye muscles, causing uneven blinking that can impair vision if it occurs frequently. Research indicates that eyelid twitching affects about 10% to 20% of the population at some point in their lives, with women being more commonly affected than men, especially those over the age of 40. Common causes include lack of sleep, stress, excessive caffeine, genetics, and medical conditions such as dry eyes, blepharitis, and light sensitivity. Studies have shown that 66% of individuals with eyelid twitching report stress as a significant trigger.

Eyelid twitching usually affects one eyelid at a time, with the upper lid being more commonly involved. Severe cases can cause forced eyelid closures lasting from seconds to hours. Excessive blinking in both eyes may indicate benign essential blepharospasm, which affects approximately 5 in 100,000 people annually, predominantly women. Hemifacial spasms, another cause of eyelid twitching, occur in 8 to 20 individuals per 100,000 per year and are more common in people over 40.

Minor eyelid twitches often resolve independently without medical intervention. Persistent twitching may require stress reduction, warm compresses, refractive correction, or eye lubrication. Reducing caffeine intake and lifestyle adjustments can minimize symptoms, as studies show that reducing caffeine intake by 50% can significantly reduce eye twitching incidents.

Diagnosis usually involves a medical history review and examination by an ophthalmologist, with imaging tests like CT or MRI done only if necessary. Treatment includes avoiding triggers, improving sleep, and using eye drops or warm compresses. Severe cases may require botox injections, antibiotics, or surgery (myomectomy) to remove affected muscles and nerves. About 70% to 90% of patients with benign essential blepharospasm experience relief with botox injections . Consulting a doctor is essential if twitching persists for over two weeks or significantly interferes with vision. Proper management can alleviate discomfort and reduce recurrence.


This information is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about eye twitching or any other medical condition, please see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment suggestions.

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