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Breast Lumps


Lumps are small mass in breast tissue. The majority of breast lumps are benign, which means they are not cancerous. When a benign breast lump is pressed on, it usually has smooth borders and glides gently to the side. It often affects both breasts. When pushed, they reveal themselves to be firm, spherical, rubbery lumps that are movable. Almost all of them are totally painless. The illness is particularly dangerous to those between the ages of 20 and 30. If fibroadenomas are large enough, they may need surgery to be removed.

Breast lumps vary in size. Some of the lumps are small, while others are large. Depending on the kind, they may feel hard or spongy. Certain tumors cause pain, while others go undetected until they are checked and proved to be malignant.

A woman may discover a lump through a self-exam of her breasts or during a physical examination by her health care practitioner. During an annual mammography screening, suspicious lumps may be detected and examined. It is important that you get familiar with the appearance and feel of your breasts so that you can notify your doctor if anything changes.

The most frequent causes of lumps in the breast in women include natural changes in breast tissue, breast infections, and breast injuries. Breast tissue changes during a woman’s life and as a consequence, it is particularly susceptible to the hormonal changes that occur during menstruation.

If a lump is discovered to be malignant, surgery is usually done. Breast lumps treatment may include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy.

A rare condition called gynecomastia may occur in males. It is a disorder of the male reproductive organs that affects the genital region. Male breasts grow as a result of this illness. A tender lump may form under the nipple of the left breast in certain cases. Gynecomastia is a condition that affects both breasts at the same time and may cause a painful lump in the breast in males.


Fibrocystic changes are the main causes of sore or benign lumps in the breast.

When your hormone levels fluctuate throughout your menstrual cycle, your breasts’ appearance may alter. This Is known as fibrocystic breast alterations. The day before your period, you may notice lumps in both breasts that will likely grow in size and become more painful as time goes on. The likelihood that you are also having nipple discharge should not be overlooked.

Lactating ducts and the tissues around them widen and expand throughout pregnancy, resulting in cysts, which are lumps. They grow rapidly when hormones produced during menstruation promote their development. When pressed, the lumps may have a hard or rubbery texture and feel like a single (large or little) lump. The tissue in the breast may thicken as a result of fibrocystic alterations.

These changes are most apparent in your thirties since this is the most probable age at which you will be experiencing them. They are the leading cause of benign breast tumors in women aged 35 to 50. Breast alterations in postmenopausal women are less frequent than in premenopausal women. This is because their hormone levels do not vary on a monthly basis.

Another cause of breast lumps is traumatic fat necrosis. A laceration to the breast may trigger this. As a result of this process, fat deposits create lumps that are usually spherical, solid, hard, and painless. Breast cancer lumps may also develop in case of breast cancer.

Unless your doctor performs a biopsy, it may be difficult to determine if a lump is caused by traumatic fat necrosis or anything else. They do not require medical attention the vast majority of the time. If you have a painful lump in your breast, your doctor may advise you to get it removed.

Lumps in breastfeeding may also occur. During breastfeeding, the milk duct may get clogged and cause the development of a tiny, painful, hard bump on the skin.


A breast lump frequently feels like a solid or heavy place in or around the breast tissue or beneath the arm. A breast lump will be considerably firmer than surrounding breast tissue.

Breast lumps vary in size, shape, and texture. Some are the size of a pea, while others are the size of a golf ball. Breast lumps symptoms are spherical, smooth, and moving, or they can be stiff, jagged, and immobile. Breast lumps can occur in one or both breasts.

Some breast lumps are painful or uncomfortable, while many are not. A sore breast lump is not always indicative of breast cancer, but a primary care physician should evaluate it.


If a woman seeks medical attention for a breast lump, she may be subjected to one or more of the following tests for breast lumps diagnosis:

  • An examination of the body
  • A mammography and a breast ultrasound
  • A breast biopsy in order to rule out malignancy
  • An MRI or CT scan to determine whether or not alterations have occurred elsewhere in the body


A doctor should check any unexplained breast lumps, but not all lumps require immediate treatment.

A doctor may advise monitoring a cyst or a fibrous growth but without taking any further action.

If there is an abscess, the doctor may use a small needle to lance and drain it, as well as prescribe antibiotics.

If cancer is present, treatment often consists of a combination of:

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy, hormonal drug therapy

A doctor may also advise testing for BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations. Preventive surgery may help prevent a recurrence of breast cancer if this genetic mutation is present. Other family members may also wish to be screened further.

When To See A Doctor

If you have any of the following symptoms, you should see a doctor:

  • You notice a new lump or protrusion in your breast that does not feel normal in comparison to the rest of your breast.
  • You have noticed a change in the size, shape, or appearance of your breasts.
  • If your breast discomfort continues after your period, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.
  • It is producing discomfort and redness by changing the texture of your breast skin. There is also scaling, dimpling, and puckering to consider.
  • You have lately had a nipple inversion.
  • You observe an out-of-the-ordinary nipple discharge.

If you detect any changes in your breasts, see your doctor as soon as possible to have them carefully examined.


Breast lumps are common, and most are benign (non-cancerous), with 80% of lumps found in women aged under 40 being non-cancerous. These lumps, often caused by fibrocystic changes, infections, or injuries, typically feel firm, smooth, and movable, affecting both breasts, and are usually painless. Fibroadenomas, a common benign lump, particularly affects women aged 20 to 30, and while most do not require treatment, some may need surgical removal if large enough. 

The most common causes of benign breast lumps include fibrocystic breast changes, affecting up to 60% of women. These changes occur during the menstrual cycle, and traumatic fat necrosis, another cause, often results from injury to the breast. Women who are breastfeeding may develop lumps due to blocked milk ducts, leading to small, painful masses. In rarer cases, a lump may be malignant (cancerous). 1 in 8 U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer over their lifetime, making early detection vital. Treatment for cancerous lumps includes surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy.

Men can also develop breast lumps, with gynecomastia affecting 30% to 70% of males at some point in their lives. This condition leads to painful lumps in male breast tissue, often due to hormonal imbalances.

Symptoms of breast lumps vary in size, shape, and texture. Some are pea-sized, while others can be as large as a golf ball. Pain may or may not be present, but any lump should be examined by a doctor. 

For diagnosis, healthcare providers use mammograms, ultrasounds, and biopsies. Treatment depends on the cause, with benign lumps often requiring only monitoring, while abscesses may need drainage and antibiotics.

If you notice any changes, such as a new lump, altered breast size, or nipple discharge, it’s important to consult your doctor promptly. 


This information is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about breast lumps or any other medical condition, please see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment suggestions.

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