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Blood in Semen (Hematospermia)


The presence of blood in semen, i.e. hematospermia, may occur in men at any age after puberty. It is often fatal. It is most prevalent in men aged 30 to 40, as well as those over the age of 50 who already have benign prostatic enlargement.

The overwhelming majority of instances are self-resolving and do not need medical intervention.

While the presence of blood in sperm is frequent, it is not a natural occurrence. Depending on the blood supply, it may show as a brownish or red color in the sperm. For the most majority of people, it is painless, and they only notice it after ejaculation.

When men discover blood in their sperm, they are frequently worried, even if it is not always a sign of a more serious problem. On the other hand, if you see any blood in your sperm, you should seek medical attention right once.

Blood in sperm that occurs once or twice in a young man’s life without accompanying symptoms or a family history of particular medical problems is usually not required to treat. Without treatment, it will usually heal on its own.

If your doctor determines that you have recurring bouts of blood in your sperm, as well as painful urinary or ejaculatory symptoms, you may be sent to a urologist.

Blood in semen treatment is based on the underlying cause. The treatment option includes antibiotics. In certain instances of inflammation, anti-inflammatory medications may be needed.

If the primary care physician determines that the issue is the result of an STD or a medical condition such as high blood pressure or liver disease, the problem will be treated accordingly.

Home remedies for blood in sperm can be successful in certain instances. If you have been in an accident, just relaxing and letting your body recover may be sufficient to remove blood from your sperm. If your groin is also swollen, apply ice to the affected region for 10 to 20 minutes at a time, but no longer than necessary. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of hematospermia patients resolve spontaneously.


The testicles, a network of ducts (tubing), and numerous glands that enter the ducts to generate sperm and eggs make up the testicular system in men. The testicles are in charge of spermatozoa production. Sperm and fluid (semen) are released from the penis and proceed through the urethra, where they are ejected (released). Blood loss may happen at any time throughout the trip.

A number of male genitourinary system diseases may cause the blood in sperm to be detected. The majority of men who undergo a prostate biopsy may have blood in their sperm for three to four weeks following the procedure. A vasectomy may also result in bloody sperm for approximately a week following the operation.

The occurrence of hematospermia in people who have not recently undergone a prostate biopsy or a vasectomy is a side effect of certain benign and malignant male reproductive system illnesses, such as prostate cancer and vasectomy. In a large percentage of cases, there is no obvious cause for the occurrence.

Any portion of the male reproductive system that is inflamed, infected, obstructed, or damaged may result in hemospermia. The seminal vesicles and the prostate are the main organs that contribute fluid to sperm. Blood may collect in the sperm as a consequence of an infection, inflammation, or damage in any of these organs, impairing the capacity to fertilize.

Blood may be seen in sperm as a standalone symptom or in combination with other blood in semen symptoms.

Despite the fact that rough intercourse is not the cause of the bleeding, blood may be found in sperm during or after a sexual session. Blood pouring from the urethra, on the other hand, is not necessarily linked with hematospermia. In certain individuals, ejaculating blood may occur as a result of severe genital/urinary tract damage.

Hematospermia that is linked with prostate inflammatory diseases is a self-resolving issue that may last for 1-2 months. It may take up to 4 weeks to heal hematospermia. If it persists after 2 months, it should  be reported to identify the cause.


Hematospermia, or the presence of blood in sperm, can be a worrying symptom, and people who have it may experience the following symptoms:

  • Blood-Tinged Semen: The presence of blood in the ejaculate, which can range from pinkish streaks to crimson staining, is the most prominent sign.
  • Discomfort or Pain: Some people may feel pain or discomfort during ejaculation in the vaginal area or the lower abdomen.

  • Urine Symptoms: Hematospermia is sometimes associated with urine symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, or a burning sensation while urinating.


A complete medical evaluation is usually required to determine the source for blood in sperm diagnosis. The following are examples of common diagnostic steps:

  • Medical History: The healthcare provider will ask about the individual’s medical history, such as any recent sexual activity, injuries, or medical issues.
  • Physical Exam: A physical exam will assess the individual’s overall health and look for abnormalities in the genital and urinary systems.
  • Laboratory testing: Urine and blood testing may be used to rule out underlying medical issues such as infections or bleeding disorders.
  • Imaging tests: Imaging tests such as ultrasonography, may be used to see the reproductive and urinary organs to identify potential bleeding causes.
  • Endoscopy: A cystoscopy or urethrocystoscopy may be performed in some circumstances to check the urinary and reproductive tracts directly with a thin, flexible tube equipped with a camera.


The underlying cause determines the blood in semen treatment. No therapy is often necessary because the illness generally cures independently. Treatment alternatives may, however, include:

  • Antibiotics: If an infection is determined to be the source of the problem, antibiotics may be administered to treat the infection.
  • Medication: Medication may be prescribed to treat the illness in case of inflammation or bleeding issues.
  • Changes in Lifestyle: Avoiding intense sexual activity, genital injuries, and using blood-thinning drugs may be advised.
  • Surgical Intervention: If an underlying structural issue, such as a cyst or tumor, is discovered, surgery may be required.
  • Counseling: Individuals enduring psychological anguish due to hematospermia may benefit from counseling or therapy.

When To See A Doctor

If you are under the age of 40 and see blood in your sperm, it will most likely vanish on its own. However, it is important to schedule a physical examination to rule out a medical problem such as STDs.

If you have specific risk factors and symptoms, further testing may be required to rule out a possibly more serious underlying illness. In case of the following, you need to consult your physician:

  • Age over 40 years
  • Blood-containing sperm for more than three to four weeks.
  • Rapid blood rate in the sperm
  • Urine incontinence


Hematospermia, or blood in semen, is a condition that can affect men of any age post-puberty, though it is most frequently seen in men aged 30 to 40 and those over 50 with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). While hematospermia can cause significant anxiety, it is often not a sign of a serious underlying condition and usually resolves without treatment. According to studies, up to 90% of hematospermia cases are self-limiting and do not require medical intervention.

A 2017 review published in Translational Andrology and Urology indicated that hematospermia is commonly linked to infections (up to 50% of cases), inflammatory conditions, or trauma to the male reproductive system, particularly affecting the prostate or seminal vesicles. Furthermore, procedures like prostate biopsies can result in blood in semen, with approximately 80% of men who undergo this procedure experiencing hematospermia for up to four weeks post-biopsy. Vasectomies can also cause hematospermia for up to one week after the procedure.

Symptoms of hematospermia include blood-tinged semen, discomfort during ejaculation, and urinary symptoms like frequent urination or burning sensations. The condition is usually painless, but persistent cases—especially those lasting longer than 3-4 weeks, in men over 40, or those accompanied by additional symptoms—should be evaluated by a healthcare provider. 

Treatment for hematospermia depends on its underlying cause. In cases related to infections, antibiotics may be prescribed, while anti-inflammatory medications may help reduce inflammation. In rare situations involving structural issues, surgery may be required. Hematospermia typically resolves within 1-2 months.


This information is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about blood in semen or any other medical condition, please see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment suggestions.

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