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Arrhythmia (Heart Rhythm Problem)


Arrhythmia is a common heart condition that refers to experiencing an irregular heartbeat, which can either be too fast, slow, or have inconsistent rhythms. These irregularities in heartbeat affects the normal functioning of the heart, making it difficult for the heart to pump blood efficiently and supply it to other organs, indicating how serious a heart arrhythmia is.

The most common Arrhythmia types include:

Premature heartbeat
Ventricular arrhythmias


Now that you know what arrhythmia is, let’s proceed with finding out what can cause an irregular heartbeat in this condition?

Arrhythmia causes include:

– Disruption in the heart’s electrical activity
The heart’s electrical system involves controlling the heartbeat. The irregular heartbeat creates problems with the electrical signals or pathways from which these signals travel in the body.

– Health Conditions
High or low blood pressure, thyroid issues, OSA syndrome, diabetes, electrolyte disbalancing, consuming alcohol and caffeine too much, congenital heart defects, and artery problems are the main reasons behind arrhythmia.

– Drugs and Medications
Anxiety, stress, caffeine, alcohol, smoking, prescribed medicines for diabetes, blood pressure, sleep apnea, and illegal drugs can contribute to arrhythmia.

These are some of the main arrhythmia causes that required timely and appropriate treatment.


Patients suffering from this condition experience symptoms based on the severity of the disease. While some of us experience asymptomatic condition, others may experience certain Arrhythmia symptoms, which include:

Irregular heartbeat
fluttering or racing in the chest.
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Tightness in the chest


Once symptoms are known and identified, the next question that arises is: How is arrhythmia diagnosed?

List below are a few ways that can help in arrhythmia diagnosis, such as:

– Medical history
The doctor will examine you on a regular basis and make a report on your overall health, symptoms, and improvement.

– Tests
Some tests, like the stress test, blood test, tilt table test, heart MRI, and computed tomography (CT), are performed to diagnose the irregular heartbeat of patients experiencing arrhythmia.

– Electrocardiogram or ECG
An Electrocardiogram is a process of recording heartbeat activity through continuous cardiac cycles. It will help to measure the electrical activity of the heart.

– Event Monitor
It is a wearable device worn for months to capture irregular and extra heart beats after experiencing arrhythmia symptoms.

– Holter Monitor
It is a form of portable electrocardiogram. Holter monitor helps in monitoring the heart’s electrical activity for a continuous 24 hours, while you go about your daily activities.

Also known as cardiac ultrasound, it is used in cardiac arrhythmia diagnosis. It uses waves to create medical images of the heart to understand the basic structure and function of the heart.


If you are experiencing any of the symptoms shared above, the doctor monitors the severity and type of the arrhythmia and then plan an appropriate treatment plan. If you want to know what is the best treatment for an irregular heartbeat? – Here are the various arrhythmia treatment options mentioned below:

– Common Treatment
Control anxiety, manage the stress level, limit alcohol consumption, say no to smoking, no usage of caffeine, no drug usage, either legal or illegal, and eating a healthy diet; along with maintaining a balanced weight are the common treatments that can help to reduce arrhythmia.

– Medications
There are multiple medicines to cure heart arrhythmia, but some common medicines to treat arrhythmia include beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, and anti-arrhythmic drugs.

– Catheter Ablation
It is a minimally invasive procedure that involves passing a thin tube called a catheter through the blood vessels. This catheter uses heat or cold to damage the tissues in the blood supply pathways, which are the main arrhythmia causes. In approximately 90 percent of cases of arrhythmia, catheter ablation is successful.

– Pacemaker
Pacemaker is a small electric device that is implanted through an incision in the chest or abdominal part of the body. Pacemakers are an effective treatment for heart arrhythmia. It is also capable of producing an electric shock – when arrhythmia’s attack gets too severe, it gives a minor electric shock to bring the heartbeat back in rhythm.

When To See A Doctor

With certain arrhythmia symptoms being minor, or overlapping with other conditions, we often wonder: when should I be worried about an irregular heartbeat?

If you are facing arrhythmia symptoms like severe chest pain, breathing problems, palpitations, chest pain, fainting, dizziness, and a fast or slow pace of your heart beat. The most important thing to do is to seek immediate medical attention. Moreover, visit a cardiologist on a regular basis to monitor your heart rate and condition.

Additionally, people with serious heart arrhythmia problems should pay proper attention to treatment, manage their blood levels, and sugar levels, avoid smoking and alcohol, and stay fit to prevent any disruption in their health.


Arrhythmia refers to an irregular heartbeat, which can be too fast, too slow, or have inconsistent rhythms. These irregularities impact the heart’s ability to pump blood efficiently, affecting its overall function. According to the American Heart Association, about 3–6 million Americans are affected by atrial fibrillation, the most common type of arrhythmia. Common types of arrhythmia include tachycardia, bradycardia, premature heartbeat, supraventricular, and ventricular arrhythmias.

The causes of arrhythmia can vary widely. Disruptions in the heart’s electrical system, health conditions like high blood pressure, thyroid problems, diabetes, and the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, or illegal substances all play a role. For example, people with high blood pressure are at twice the risk of developing arrhythmia. Medications, including prescribed drugs for conditions like diabetes and hypertension, can also contribute to the development of arrhythmia. Managing these risk factors is essential to reduce the chances of experiencing irregular heartbeats.

Symptoms of arrhythmia depend on the severity of the condition. While some people may not exhibit any signs, others may experience irregular heartbeats, fluttering or racing sensations in the chest, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, fatigue, or even fainting. Arrhythmia can cause about 750,000 hospitalizations each year in the U.S., making it important to recognize when symptoms warrant medical attention.

Diagnosing arrhythmia involves reviewing a patient’s medical history and performing various tests. Common diagnostic tools include stress tests, blood tests, heart MRIs, and CT scans. An electrocardiogram (ECG) records the heart’s electrical activity, while devices like event monitors or Holter monitors track heart rhythms over longer periods. An echocardiogram, or cardiac ultrasound, provides detailed images of the heart to assess its structure and function.

Treatment options vary based on the type and severity of the arrhythmia. Lifestyle changes, such as managing stress, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and quitting smoking, are often recommended. Medications like beta-blockers and anti-arrhythmic drugs may be prescribed. In more severe cases, catheter ablation or the implantation of a pacemaker may be necessary to restore and regulate normal heart rhythms. Studies show that catheter ablation has a 90% success rate in treating certain types of arrhythmias.

If you experience symptoms like severe chest pain, fainting, or difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention. Regular visits to a cardiologist can help manage and monitor the condition effectively.


This information is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about Arrhythmia or any other medical condition, please see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment suggestions.

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