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direct primary care physician

Why Are People Shifting Towards Direct Primary Care?

Direct Primary Care (DPC) is a relatively new model of healthcare that is rapidly taking over the healthcare industry in the United States. It is an alternative to traditional fee-for-service healthcare, where patients pay a monthly fee to their primary care provider instead of paying for each medical service they receive.

In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards DPC practices, with more and more people opting for this model of healthcare. In this blog, we will explore what Direct Primary Care is and the reasons behind this shift towards it.

Discovering Direct Primary Care

Direct Primary Care (DPC) is a model of healthcare that focuses on the patient-provider relationship and offers a list of predefined primary care services. In this model, patients pay a monthly membership fee to their DPC practice in exchange for comprehensive primary care services. These services include regular check-ups, preventative care, and management of chronic conditions – bundled with testing and screening discounts that conventional healthcare models do not offer.

Unlike traditional healthcare, DPC practices do not bill insurance for primary care services and therefore do not rely on insurance reimbursements. This allows DPC practices to focus on delivering quality primary care services to their patients without the hassles of insurance regulations and requirements.

The Appeal of Direct Primary Care

Direct Primary Care is an immensely beneficial healthcare model that is increasingly gaining popularity all over the United States, and the majority of people can be seen shifting from conventional healthcare to this membership-based DPC model.

Listed below are all the benefits that the DPC model offers:


One of the primary reasons why people are shifting towards Direct Primary Care is the cost-effectiveness of this model. Traditional healthcare is known for its high costs, with patients paying for every visit, test, and procedure they receive. This model has been particularly challenging for people who require frequent medical attention.

In contrast, DPC allows patients to pay a fixed monthly fee that covers all the primary care services they need. The DPC model is certainly more affordable for patients, especially those who are consistently in need of medical attention.

Increased Accessibility

Another benefit of the DPC model is the increased accessibility that it provides. With the traditional healthcare model, patients may have to wait for days or even weeks to get an appointment scheduled with their primary care doctor.

Direct Primary Care solves this problem since DPC practices usually offer same-day or at most next-day appointments. This aspect of increased accessibility can be particularly beneficial for patients with urgent medical needs or even those who require frequent medical attention.

Improved Patient-Doctor Relationship

DPC practices also offer longer appointment times compared to traditional providers. Typically, appointments are often rushed, leaving patients with very little time to discuss their concerns with their provider at length.

On the contrary, Direct Primary Care physicians spend more time with their patients, allowing them to address all their medical concerns adequately. This longer appointment time makes the patient feel heard, leading to a better patient-doctor relationship and better health outcomes.

Focus on Preventive Care

Direct Primary Care’s focus on preventative care is one of the most beneficial aspects of this DPC model. Traditional healthcare models often prioritize treatment over prevention, with providers only intervening when a patient develops a medical condition.

DPC practices, on the other hand, focus on preventing medical issues by promoting healthy lifestyle choices and providing regular checkups and screenings. This focus on preventative care can help patients stay healthy and reduce their healthcare costs in the long run.

Personalized Healthcare

DPC practices also offer a more personalized approach to healthcare. In the past, patients often visited different providers for different health issues. This led to a fragmented approach to healthcare with different providers offering different recommendations and treatments.

DPC practices offer comprehensive healthcare services and take a holistic approach to healthcare. Direct Primary Care physicians work closely with their patients to develop personalized treatment plans that meet their unique healthcare needs, while also developing healthy relationship and establishing open communication.

24/7 Availability

Along with all the other benefits, another advantage of DPC is the flexibility it provides. Before DPC, patients often had limited access to their primary care provider outside of regular office hours.

DPC practices are usually available to their patients 24/7, either in person, by phone, or through telemedicine. This flexibility can be particularly beneficial for patients with busy schedules or those who require medical attention outside of regular office hours for any other reason.

Smaller Patient Panels

Lastly, DPC practices often have smaller patient panels compared to traditional healthcare providers. Traditional healthcare providers may have as many as thousands of patients, leading to limited time and resources for each patient.

But with this new healthcare model, DPC practices usually have just a few hundred patients, allowing them to offer more personalized care and attention to each patient.

Final Note

Overall, Direct Primary Care is becoming increasingly popular in the United States for several reasons. It is a more cost-effective model of healthcare, offers increased accessibility and longer appointment times, focuses on preventative care, provides a personalized approach to healthcare, and offers greater flexibility and smaller patient panels. With these advantages, it is not surprising that more and more people are shifting towards Direct Primary Care.

This blog is for informational & educational purposes only, and does not intend to substitute any professional medical advice or consultation. For any health related concerns, please consult with your physician, or call 911.

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  • About The Author

    Dr. Syra Hanif M.D.

    Board Certified Primary Care Physician

Dr. Syra Hanif is a board-certified Primary Care Physician (PCP) dedicated to providing compassionate, patient-centered healthcare.

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