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Weight loss

Reduce Weight but not at the Expense of Your Health!

Hundreds of weight loss programs, special diets, and outright scams are on the market today, promising you healthy weight loss. The perfect strategy for efficient weight loss is a healthy, low-calorie diet and an active lifestyle. For permanent weight loss, you will need to make permanent changes to your diet and lifestyle.

A few things that you need to do before getting on the bus to lose weight are as follows,

If you are overweight or a fat person, then to lose weight you will need to change your entire lifestyle. This process of losing weight will not be a bed of roses. Permanent weight loss requires a lot of hard work, effort, and time. You will need to make a commitment to yourself and then stick to it. You need to be mentally prepared and convinced to change your habits and lifestyle. To achieve high results, you will need to be completely focused on your new routine. Once you are completely committed, set a start date, and then do not look back.

1. Stay Motivated

Motivation is a very important factor in losing weight. Make a list of the reasons why you want to lose weight. Remember those reasons in your mind and work hard to make them a reality. You may stick encouraging notes for yourself on the fridge, kitchen cabinets, and at the gym. Take responsibility for what you are trying to do and respect your decision. Surrounding yourself with positive and encouraging people is also very important. Be accountable to yourself. Have regular weight checks and remain loyal to yourself!

2. Have a Realistic Approach

Make sure that the goals that you are setting for yourself are realistic and achievable. Over the long term, losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is a good target. Generally, you can even burn 2 to 3 pounds of extra fat a week, but you will not be able to do this for a long time.

Once you understand the points stated above, we can move forward. If you are fully motivated and committed to yourself losing weight then let’s move on to making a strategy and setting goals. Some effective ways to lose weight and tips from our side are as follows:

3. Drink a lot of Water

According to primary healthcare doctors, drinking lots of water is a great way to stay healthy and slim. By drinking water, you can boost your metabolism by 24–30% for more than one hour. This would help you burn some extra calories. Drinking water before having a meal is also a great weight-loss strategy. If you drink water for fifteen minutes or half an hour before having a meal, it gives a boost to your metabolism. This would also lower your appetite, making sure that you do not over-eat. Make sure to carry a water bottle with you wherever you go.

4. Drink Green Tea

Increasing green tea intake is another fantastic way of losing weight. Drinking green tea after a meal helps with digestion. Green tea is loaded with powerful antioxidants known as catechins, which enhance fat-burning.

5. Avoid Sugar

Sugar is known as “white poison” for a reason. Sugar increases the fat content in your body. You will need to have a strict no-sugar policy to effectively lose weight. Remember that part about making commitments? Commit yourself to not having any sugar at all. Drink sugar-free tea in the morning. Also, make sure to avoid cold drinks because they contain a relatively high amount of sugar. Chocolates, biscuits, cold drinks, and other junk food must be avoided to get rid of that extra fat.

6. Avoid Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates contain grains that have been stripped of their fibrous and nutritious parts. Thus refined carbohydrates help you eat more without getting full which is the last thing you want. By eating refined carbohydrates you get hungrier till the next meal which results in overeating.

7. Use Smaller Plates

Using smaller plates is a great trick to satisfy you. Using smaller plates mean that you would eat less. Remember, this is just a trick to satisfy your mind and not an actual weight loss strategy. This might not work on everyone but is worth giving a try.

8. Eat Healthily

Eat less but eat healthily. Avoid eating junk or processed food at all costs. Buy fresh raw food items from a nearby market and cook them yourself with a low-fat policy. Make sure that you keep healthy foods around you in case you get hungry. Eat a lot of fruit. Fruits boost your metabolism and also help you stay hydrated. Having an apple in your bag while you are out of the house can be helpful. Stay away from pre-packed and company-made food items.

9. Do Aerobic Exercises

Start doing an exercise of your choice today. Exercises and physical activities are great ways of losing fat. Cycling can be helpful in this regard. It does not require much time since you can use it as a means of transport. You can also make it as intense as you want. Aerobic exercises help you to burn calories and improve your physical and mental health. It is a great way of burning belly fat. You may also take part in some sports or get yourself registered with a local sports team.

10. Sleep Tight

While talking about losing weight, people often miss the part about getting sleep. Getting a good amount of sleep is very important for having a healthy body. It is recommended to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

11. Increase Protein Intake

 Eating a high-protein diet not only boosts your metabolism but also helps lower your calorie intake. If you eat protein instead of other foods, you get less hungry. This is because eating protein fills your appetite much faster. Thus, you can help yourself lose weight simply by increasing your protein intake.

There are many methods or techniques for losing weight. The above-stated ways are just a few of them. If you tick on these, you will surely get the body you want. Some factors might vary depending on the person. The thing that matters the most is your commitment, motivation, and hard work.

– Disclaimer –

This blog is for informational & educational purposes only, and does not intend to substitute any professional medical advice or consultation. For any health related concerns, please consult with your physician, or call 911.

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  • About The Author

    Dr. Syra Hanif M.D.

    Board Certified Primary Care Physician

Dr. Syra Hanif is a board-certified Primary Care Physician (PCP) dedicated to providing compassionate, patient-centered healthcare.

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